Correctional Services Amendment Bill [B 32F-2007]
To amend the Correctional Services Act, 1998, so as to insert, substitute, amend or delete certain definitions; to make further provision for the... →
Portfolio Committee Amendments to Correctional Services Amendment Bill [B 32E-2007]
1. On page 24, in line 46, to omit ‘‘(h) two or more persons not in the full-time service of the State;’’; and’’, and to substitute the following:... →
Correctional Services Amendment Bill [B 32D-2007]
To amend the Correctional Services Act, 1998, so as to insert, substitute, amend or delete certain definitions; to make further provision for the... →
Portfolio Committee Amendments to Correctional Services Amendment Bill [B 32C-2007]
1. On page 2, from line 13, to omit paragraph (b). 2. On page 3 , from line 31, to omit paragraph (h) and to substitute the following: ‘‘(h) by the... →
Correctional Services Amendment Bill (B 32-2007)
To amend the Correctional Services Act, 1998, so as to insert, substitute, amend or delete certain definitions; to make further provision for the... →
Correctional Services Amendment Bill (B 32B-2007)
To amend the Correctional Services Act, 1998, so as to insert, substitute, amend or delete certain definitions; to make further provision for the... →
Education Laws Amendment Bill (B 33D-2007)
To amend the National Education Policy Act, 1996, so as to substitute the provision relating to consultation on the national education policy; and... →
Education Laws Amendment Bill (B 33C-2007)
1. On page 3, in line 44, after ‘‘may’’ to insert ‘‘, after consultation with the Council of Education Ministers’’. 2. On page 4, in line 4, after... →