Acts By topic
Final Relief on Tax, Interest, Penalty and Additional Tax Act (No.
To broaden the tax base and to break the culture of non-payment of tax by persuading every defaulter to pay his, her or its fair share of tax and,... →
Income Tax Act (No. 21 of 1994)
To fix the rates of normal tax payable by persons other than companies in respect of taxable incomes for the years of assessment ending on 28... →
Income Tax Act (No. 21 of 1995)
To fix the rates of normal tax payable by persons other than companies in respect of taxable incomes for the years of assessment ending on 29... →
Income Tax Act (No. 28 of 1997)
To fix the rates of normal tax payable by persons other than companies in respect of taxable incomes for the years of assessment ending on 28... →
Income Tax Act (No. 36 of 1996)
To fix the rates of normal tax payable by persons other than companies in respect of taxable incomes for the years of assessment ending on 28... →
Income Tax Amendment Act (Act 168 of 1993)
To amend the Income Tax Act, 1962, so as to provide for the transfer of certain amounts between companies within the same group of companies; and... →
Local Government Municipal Property Rates Act (No. 6 of 2004)
To regulate the power of a municipality to impose rates on property; to excludecertain properties from rating in the national interest; to make... →
Municipal and Fiscal Powers and Functions Act (No. 12 of 2007)
To regulate the exercise by municipalities of their power to Impose surcharges on fees for services provided under section 229(l)(a) of the... →