Saliem Fakir - Low Carbon Future
Strategic economics in times of uncertainty
By: Saliem Fakir 19th October 2018 In his excellent three-volume work titled Wheels of Commerce, Fernand Braudel describes countries or city states as islands in a world economy.... →
The industrialisation debate in SA – what are the lessons?
By: Saliem Fakir 21st September 2018 Manufacturing has been in slow decline in the past decade or so. The sector has always been treated as a useful link between mining and... →
Using Douglas North’s institutional economics to understand State capture
By: Saliem Fakir 24th August 2018 Douglas North remains an influential institutional economist and his work on institutional economics can help us understand economic development... →
SA’s bioeconomy should be multipronged
By: Saliem Fakir 3rd August 2018 The fact that South Africa does not have a White Paper or a holistic bio-economy strategy is the biggest of ironies, given that a vast variety of... →
Will the SDGs help us rewire the economy?
By: Saliem Fakir 29th June 2018 The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the new mantra, and everybody is trying to figure out the best way to leverage them; the question is... →
The Just Transition debate in South Africa
By: Saliem Fakir 18th May 2018 South Africa is the only country that explicitly includes in its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) a mention of the Just Transition – this... →
Tackling shipping sector’s carbon emissions
By: Saliem Fakir 27th April 2018 Shipping emissions is an area that has not fallen under the rubric of United Nations Framework for Climate Change (UNFCCC). The shipping industry... →
What we must undo in post-Zuma era
By: Saliem Fakir 23rd March 2018 During Jacob Zuma’s Presidency, South African had to contend with racial parochialism, State inaptitude and a gloomy economy. Dystopia became the... →
Tackling inequality in South Africa – the great escape
By: Saliem Fakir 23rd February 2018 There have been clarion calls to clean up corruption in South Africa, but the greater challenge will be clawing back the effects of structural... →
Will Ramaphosa be a transformational leader or preserve the status quo?
By: Saliem Fakir 2nd February 2018 The election in December of Cyril Ramaphosa (CR) as African National Congress (ANC) president has brought a sigh of relief to many South Africans.... →