Customs and Excise Act: Amendment of Schedule 1 (no 1/1/1601) (English / Afrikaans)
Customs and Excise Act: Amendment of Schedule 1 (no 1/1/1601) (English / Afrikaans) →
Gazette 41654 GoN 540
Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act: Municipal by-elections of 13 June 2018: Official list of voting stations
Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act: Municipal by-elections of 13 June 2018: Official list of voting stations →
Gazette 41656 GoN 285
State Liability Amendment Bill and Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill: Explanatory summary (English / Afrikaans)
State Liability Amendment Bill and Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill: Explanatory summary (English / Afrikaans) →
Gazette 41658 GoN 288
More Notices and Regulations
Public Finance Management Act: Statement of national revenue, expenditure and borrowing as at 30 April 2018
Public Finance Management Act: Statement of national revenue, expenditure and borrowing as at 30 April 2018 →
Gazette 41661 GoN 290
Hydrographic Bill: Explanatory summary
Hydrographic Bill: Explanatory summary →
Gazette 41662 GoN 291
Hydrographic Bill: Explanatory summary
Hydrographic Bill: Explanatory summary →
Gazette 41662 GoN R291
Customs and Excise Act: Amendment of Schedule 4 (no 4/1/377) (English / Afrikaans)
Customs and Excise Act: Amendment of Schedule 4 (no 4/1/377) (English / Afrikaans) →
Gazette 41668 GoN R556
Labour Relations Act: Registration of trade union: Progressive Socialist Workers Union of South Africa (PSWUSA)
Labour Relations Act: Registration of trade union: Progressive Socialist Workers Union of South Africa (PSWUSA) →
Gazette 41668 GoN R555