World Refugee Day

30th June 2022

World Refugee Day

“We cannot forget the millions of asylum seekers, refugees and displaced persons in other parts of the world, who desperately need to be welcomed, protected and loved.” – Pope Francis, May 2022

In this comment, Pope Francis touches on the very core of this year’s World Refugee Day theme. Every year the United Nations observes World Refugee Day on 20th June. The UN describes this day as one that “shines a light on the rights, dreams and needs of refugees, helping to mobilise political will and resources so that refugees cannot only survive, but thrive.” The UNHCR states that there are at present around 100-million displaced persons in the world. It is also deeply worrying that around 50% of refugees worldwide are under the age of 18. It should be noted that the Roman Catholic Church observes World Migrant and Refugee Day on the last Sunday in September annually.

Paper by the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office