Winning at the CCMA in the Covid Environment

3rd August 2021

Winning at the CCMA in the Covid Environment

Increases in cases of retrenchment, pay cuts and misconduct resulting from the Covid 19 pandemic are placing severe strain on the CCMA, employers and employees. This creates a double whammy for employers because they have to allocate scarce resources to cope with the extra CCMA disputes, but also have to cope with the effects of the very tight lockdown at the CCMA. That is, contacting CCMA case management, lodging legal papers and conducting CCMA hearings are all much more difficult during the lockdown. 

This seminar, presented by Ivan Israelstam, deals with these challenges by covering the following:

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Event Details:

Date: 17 September 2021
Time: 9h00-12h00
Platform: Zoom 
Cost Excl VAT: R500,00

Enquiries: Ronni at or Tel: 084 521 7492