Some thoughts ...

9th April 2019

Some thoughts ...

Today we live in a tumultuous era in the history of our young nation, where we witness the proliferation of greed and self-centred careerism.

It was one of countless martyrs to the cause of liberation, the young and valiant Solomon Mahlangu whose last words before being executed by the heinous Apartheid state were "my blood will nourish the tree that will bear the fruits of freedom. Tell my people that I love them. They must continue the fight".

How far have we veered off course from the ideals that the martyrs lived and fought and gave up their lives for.

How off target is our trajectory today from the humane and revolutionary and selfless values and principles of the stalwarts and veterans and numberless South Africans who fought against Apartheid tyranny, the very ideals still burning bright in the hearts of so many.

Today we are appalled at the gap between the broad masses of our country and the few who have managed to amass large fortunes.

Today we see the basic tenets of our glorious Freedom Charter betrayed at the altar of individual greed.

All is not lost yet. We waged a long and arduous battle against the Apartheid regime, and it is well within our power to take back and build on the principles and selfless ideals the giants of our struggle lived and died for - a more humane society for all, where the wealth of this great land of ours may truly be shared equitably among the people.

It is within our power to strive for and to achieve the goals of the Freedom Charter, and may we never cease to introspect and not to betray the ideals of our selfless leaders through the years.

The collective is now a word bandied about with a hollow ring to it.

On the subject of the collective, a quote comes to mind, from that tireless fighter for justice and equality and human emancipation, and a true comrade and brother in our struggle against Apartheid. It is a quote by Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, who led Tanzania to shake off the shackles of colonialism.

The quote is:

"In Tanzania, it was more than one hundred tribal units which lost their freedom; it was one nation that regained it".

How much we as a nation can learn from such words of wisdom, words that shook colonialism's efforts to 'divide and rule' to their very core.

We have had such a history in our beloved country to have overcome the cynical attempts by the Apartheid regime to divide our people along tribal lines.

Many of us were born in those so-called 'homelands' so crudely referred to as 'bantustans'.

All our compatriots suffered under the divisiveness that Apartheid tried to drive into the consciousness of our people, and yet we emerged from that cesspool of narrow tribalism to embrace one identity - that of being a citizen of the Republic of South Africa first and foremost, with other affiliations following the unity in diversity that we must all still strive to realise in both our day to day lives and as a country as a whole.

Where have we come from?

May it be a question that we never stop asking ourselves and our leaders.

Where are we today on the eve of out sixth general election?

May it be a thought for us and for our leaders to reflect upon.

Where are we headed as a nation, 25 years away from that glorious day when we all voted for a free and democratic South Africa?

May it be the most important question that we ask of ourselves and of our leaders ask - so that we may reclaim the moral high ground and pledge anew - as an organisation and as a government, that the hopeful and glorious words and demands of The Freedom Charter be no longer cast aside, but to be the true path our nation must embark upon.

The true path of not consigning the demands of The Freedom Charter aside as merely a document of historical significance but that of a living and challenging call to never tire until we can in truth say, we are on the right path.

The right path where platitudes are discarded and work commences.

The right path where individual careerism and greed is forced to be subordinate to the needs of the many.

The right path where a country as well resourced as ours provides equal and professional and dignified health care to all.

The right path where education flourishes and where progressive thought is inculcated in the minds of the generations yet to come.

The right path of striving to eradicate grinding poverty by ensuring a living wage to be the order of the day.

The right path, which is a long one and beset with hurdles.

The hurdles can only be overcome when we set forth on the right path.

May we all commence our shared and collective journey down that noble path.

Not tomorrow.




Afzal Moolla was born in Delhi, India while his parents were in exile, working as political exiles against Apartheid in South Africa. He then travelled wherever his parent’s work took them, spending time in Egypt, Finland, and Iran. Afzal works and lives in Johannesburg, South Africa.

This piece was first published on Afzal Moolla's personal blog.