Six ways space technologies benefit life on Earth

20th October 2020

 Six ways space technologies benefit life on Earth

The space sector’s value to life on Earth is difficult to overstate.

Satellites that circle the globe provide the most accurate weather reports and warn us of impending storms; they monitor our climate every day, helping to track increasing rates of climate change and its effects, such as rising seas and changing moisture levels, wildfires and atmospheric changes; they connect millions of people and have the ability to connect billions more who currently lack access in rural areas; they help us see and stop illegal fishing and deforestation; and help to ensure transparency and security of states by monitoring and verifying actors’ behaviour.

Scientific research that takes place in orbit is helping to push the frontiers of our understanding of health and material science, robotics and other technologies.

The direct economic impact of the sector is important and growing, but it is the indirect impact that highlights how critical space is for our life on Earth.

Although hostile, the space environment is also fragile, specifically in key orbits where ensuring sustainable behaviour and operations will be essential for this invaluable resource to be secured for future generations.

Report by the World Economic Forum