SADTU Statement On The Appaling Conditions Grade R Learners Are Taught Under

29th October 2020

SADTU Statement On The Appaling Conditions Grade R Learners Are Taught Under

SADTU is shocked by what is said to be a centre or a camp for matric holiday classes near Umzinto, South Coast of KwaZulu Natal. It cannot happen that when all of us are frightened by the scourge of the Covid-19 and its effect, the department of education put our learners and teachers in a situation where there is total disregard of regulations that are meant to curb the spread of the virus. We find this strange and totally inhumane. 

How can a responsible department squeeze our learners packed in this manner where there is no social distancing and no wearing of masks? What we see in the pictures are classes that are overcrowded thus exposing learners and teachers to danger of contracting the virus. 

SADTU therefore demands that the Breama Centre be closed, as a matter of urgency and people who were involved in identifying the centre be held accountable. 

Lastly, the department must do an audit of all centres to ensure that they all comply with regulations.


Issued by SADTU