SA: Dudu Myeni fails to appear before Inquiry

28th February 2018

SA: Dudu Myeni fails to appear before Inquiry

Former SAA board chairperson Dudu Myeni
Photo by: Duane

The Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises, tasked with dealing with the Inquiry into the mismanagement of state funds in state-owned enterprises met on Wednesday and was supposed to hear evidence from former South African Airways (SAA) board Chairperson Ms Dudu Myeni.

The Chairperson of the Inquiry, Ms Zukiswa Rantho, said: “Today we were expecting Ms Dudu Myeni, we have been informed that she is not coming. We wrote her a letter inviting her to the Inquiry and she responded by sending an SMS to the Committee’s Secretary.

In her response she said she is waiting to be guided by her lawyer on how to respond to the invitation by Parliament. They will look at the legalities of coming to the Inquiry and will come back to us in writing. She has apologised for being unavailable via an SMS.”

However, members of the Committee were of the view that these were delaying tactics and bordering on undermining the process by the Committee. Some of the Committee members recommended a subpoena should be issued to Ms Myeni whilst other members felt a letter should be sent to re-invite Ms Myeni to appear before the Committee next week before Wednesday.

Ms Rantho welcomed the comments from the members and indicated that she will discuss with the legal team on what is the best way forward.

Issued by Parliamentary Communication Services on behal of the Chairperson of the Inquiry for the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises, Zukiswa Rantho