SA: Cyril Ramaphosa: Address by South Africa's President, on escalation of measures to combat Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, Union Buildings, Tshwane (23/03/2020)

24th March 2020

SA: Cyril Ramaphosa: Address by South Africa's President, on escalation of measures to combat Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, Union Buildings, Tshwane (23/03/2020)

President Cyril Ramaphosa

My fellow South Africans,

It is a week since we declared the coronavirus pandemic a national disaster and announced a package of extraordinary measures to combat this grave public health emergency.

The response of the South African people to this crisis has been remarkable.

Millions of our people have understood the gravity of the situation.

Most South Africans have accepted the restrictions that have been placed on their lives and have taken responsibility for changing their behaviour.

I am heartened that every sector of society has been mobilised and has accepted the role that it needs to play.

From religious leaders to sporting associations, from political parties to business people, from trade unions to traditional leaders, from NGOs to public servants, every part of our society has come forward to confront this challenge.

Many have had to make difficult choices and sacrifices, but all have been determined that these choices and sacrifices are absolutely necessary if our country is to emerge stronger from this disaster.

Over the past week, South Africans have demonstrated their determination, their sense of purpose, their sense of community and their sense of responsibility.

For this, we salute you and we thank you.

Click here for the full speech.