NT: Revised Special Voluntary Disclosure Programme in respect of offshore assets and income

20th July 2016

NT: Revised Special Voluntary Disclosure Programme in respect of offshore assets and income

The National Treasury and South African Revenue Service (SARS) today publish the
revised 2016 Draft Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws
Amendment Bill and 2016 Draft Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of
Revenue Laws (Administration) Bill.

The revised draft bills contain a revised Special Voluntary Disclosure Programme
(SVDP) to give an opportunity to non-compliant taxpayers to voluntarily disclose offshore
assets and income before the new global standard for automatic exchange of
information between tax authorities commences in 2017.

The initial draft bills were published for public comment on 24 February 2016 and 12
April 2016. Following public comments received and a consultation meeting in respect of
the SVDP held with taxpayers and tax advisors on 10 June 2016, the following changes
have been made in the revised draft bills in order to simplify the SVPD:






The Standing Committee of Finance will convene public hearings on the revised draft
bills before their formal introduction in Parliament. Given the truncated parliamentary
programme due to the local government elections, the first parliamentary hearings on the
draft bills are only expected to be convened in the second half of August 2016.

The revised draft bills and draft explanatory memorandum containing a comprehensive
description of the draft amendments can be found on the National Treasury
(www.treasury.gov.za) and SARS (www.sars.gov.za) websites.

Due date for comments
The National Treasury and SARS have already asked and received comments on two
previous versions of these Bills. Any additional comments on the revisions included in
the latest drafts of the Bills should please be forwarded in writing to Mmule Majola at:
mmule.majola@treasury.gov.za and Adele Collins at: acollins@sars.gov.za by close of
business on 8 August 2016.
Issued by: National Treasury