Nexus: compendium. In search of nexus triple wins

30th September 2022

Nexus: compendium. In search of nexus triple wins

Achieving prosperity for all within planetary boundaries requires that governments take wide-ranging transformative action, but joining up policies across different fields (economic, social, environmental) can be challenging.

A companion ODI Nexus analysis Inclusive, sustainable economic transformation: An analysis of trends and trade-offs empirically analysed key development indicators and identified the Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka and Thailand as front-runners in achieving more holistic development outcomes.

Taking a deeper look at these case studies, this compendium seeks to identify national policy interventions that struck balances between the different objectives or realms of development.

Originally focused on identifying development planning that has led to significant measurable outcomes, our research grew to explore the policy development, legislation and implementation processes required for integrated transformational policy to succeed.

Paper by the Overseas Development Institute