NEHAWU Limpopo concludes a wage agreement with University of Venda

17th March 2022

NEHAWU Limpopo concludes a wage agreement with University of Venda

The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] in Limpopo has concluded a wage agreement with the University of Venda for the year 2022/2023. This comes after lengthy negotiations with the management collective and negotiating team of the University. 

Salary Increment  

Both Parties agreed on the following in terms of salary increases  

The union welcomes this as a step in the right direction given the hardships that COVID-19 has inflicted on workers and the working class. 

Medical Aid

Both parties agreed that a new broker will be appointed and the employer should recognise children from co-habiting relationships subjected to the Department of Home Affairs and staff members will be allowed to cover their dependants in line with the rules of the medical scheme.

Implementation of Midpoint Agreement

Parties agreed that midpoint will be implemented in accordance with the signed agreement that stipulates April 2022 as a due date.

Outstanding Issues

Parties further agreed that the following items will be deferred for further engagements between parties; 

The university has agreed that a progress report on these issues must be concluded by council meeting in July 2022.  

Lastly, we welcome these developments and also commend the decision to put in abeyance the mandatory policy for vaccination against COVID-19. Whilst we advocate for people to be vaccinated, we remain opposed to mandatory vaccination.


Issued by NEHAWU Limpopo Secretariat Office