Moqhaka Local Municipality v South African Local Government Bargaining Council and Others (JR 991/12) [2013] ZALCJHB 218

9th September 2013

On 10 July 2013, I reserved judgment in this matter after hearing arguments and submissions by the Applicant’s representative and those representing the Third Respondent. This is the judgment. [2] In its notice of motion, the Applicant set outs its case as being a review, correction or setting aside of the Second Respondent’s arbitration award under case number FSD111117 dated 16 March 2012; the review, correction or setting aside of the certificate of outcome issued by the Second Respondent dated the 27 December 2011 under case number FSD111117; the condonation of the late filing of the review application in relation to both
the sections 145 and 158(1)(g). As part of the order sought by the Applicant, it asked for costs against the party opposing its application.