Misuse of discipline is dangerous

7th January 2013

This is the first in a series of tips on the effective and legally compliant use of discipline.

It can be very tempting for managers to use their disciplinary powers to get rid of employees who they want out of the way. However, as the CCMA is well aware of such abuses of disciplinary processes employers are advised never to go this route.

Regardless of management’s reasons for wanting an employee to vacate his job there is always a legal, fair and practical way of resolving the problem.

In the light of this and the fact that the penalty for unfair dismissal can be disastrously high employers should always consult a reputable expert in labour law before taking any action against an employee.

Labour Law Management Consulting specialises in chairing disciplinary hearings. Our expertise ensures that the evidence led at a hearing is impartially and effectively incorporated into a finding that is fair and pragmatic.

Written by lvan lsraelstam, Chief Executive of Labour Law Management Consulting. Contact: (011) 8887944 or 0828522973 or e-mail address: ivan@labourlaw advice.co.za. Web address: www.labourlawadvice.co.za.