Labour Relations Act: Application for demarcation: Some operations of Jai Mei Packaging CC; Fu Chang Plastics CC; Sunny Bag CC and Hsin Chu Manufacturing CC does not fall within scope of National Textile Bargaining Council: Comments invited

13th July 2017

Jai  Mei  Packaging  CC;Fu  Chang  Plastics  CC;  Sunny  Bag  CC and Hsin  Chu  Manufacturing CC have applied  to  the  CCMA  in  terms  of  section  62(1)  of the  Labour  Relations  Act 66  of 1995  as  amended  (the  LRA) for  a  demarcation order to  the  effect  that some  of  the applicants’ activities do  not  fall within the  registered scope of the National Textile Bargaining Council.