Ipusa fears negative implications of Saps budget cuts for operations, State security

7th September 2023 By: Lumkile Nkomfe - Creamer Media Reporter

Ipusa fears negative implications of Saps budget cuts for operations, State security

The Independent Policing Union of South Africa (Ipusa) has cautioned government against budget cuts within the South African Police Service (Saps) as it fears that this will constrain the police force’s ability to fight crime in the country.

The union believes the police budget should remain as is, to ensure the sufficient maintenance of its vehicle fleet. It has also highlighted the departure of personnel within the police force and stressed the importance of prioritising firearm fitness and mental health training. 

“If we are serious about crime fighting in South Africa, police budget must remain as is to enable Saps to prioritise recruitment to replace the 6 000 members the department is losing annually due to various reasons, and replacement of vehicles boarded due to accidents and [wear and tear], and maintenance of the existing fleet,” said Ipusa president Bethuel Nkuna.

Ipusa says budget cuts within the police force will exacerbate challenges such as a shortage of manpower and vehicles, and the readiness to confront criminality.

“Ipusa is very sympathetic towards government fiscals which are under severe pressure to help the State serve its citizens, but reducing Saps budget will add on an already weakened State and push the country even further into the state of anarchy. This will make it more vulnerable to criminals who are at this moment not having any supply chain policy to source their resources to realise their criminal intent,” Nkuna said.