International Trade Administration Act: Investigation of possible exclusion of tinted glass mirrors from existing anti-dumping duties applicable to unframed glass mirrors originating in or imported from China: Final determination (Gazette 38960, General N

10th July 2015

The investigation into the alleged dumping of unframed glass mirrors was conducted in 2013 and definitive anti -dumping duties were imposed on the subject product originating in or imported from China on 26 July 2013 with retrospective effect from 8 March 2013.

A request was received from Nelson Glass and Mirrors (the Applicant), an importer of mirrors in the SACU, to exclude mirrors made from tinted glass from the anti- dumping duty applicable to unframed glass mirrors originating in or imported from China. The Applicant stated that tinted glass is not manufactured domestically. Tinted glass is imported and a silver backing is applied to produce tinted mirrors.