International Relations Committee chairperson appeals for peace in Gaza Strip

10th October 2023 By: Lumkile Nkomfe - Creamer Media Reporter

International Relations Committee chairperson appeals for peace in Gaza Strip

Amid ongoing hostilities between Israel and Palestine, the Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation has expressed its concern at what it holds are “the grave atrocities perpetrated against the people of Palestine”.

Committee chairperson Supra Mahumapelo has cited the lack of recognition of the rights of the Palestinian people as the root cause of the ongoing violence.

“We are concerned about the well-being of the people of Palestine as Apartheid is being practiced by Israel in its continued occupation of the Palestinian territory,” he said.

The committee has urged all parties to exercise restraint and seize the opportunity for peace to prevent the loss of lives and the destruction of property. It has also urged the United Nations to intervene through the enforcement of what is contained in its Charter to restore international peace and security.

Mahumapelo has also decried Israel’s policy of settling its civilians on occupied Palestinian territory, displacing the local population. He held that this contravenes the fundamental rules of international law.

“This cuts deep to us as South Africans as the discrimination, racial oppression and violent attacks by Israeli settlers that we are witnessing against the people of Palestine is nothing short of Apartheid, exactly what we endured in this country under white domination,” he said.