Inclusive Education: Time for national government to properly fund provinces

3rd November 2022

During today’s Standing Committee briefing by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) and the Equal Education Law Centre (EELC), it became clear once again that funding remains a concern for the long-term wellbeing of delivering inclusive education for our learners.

It is for this reason why I reiterate the call for National Treasury to include funding for special needs schools in the Provincial Equitable Share (PES). Without proper resources, the Western Cape’s progress will continue to be undermined.

The Standing Committee has also resolved that the WCED sends bi-annual reports on the implementation of Education White Paper 6 – a document which forms the basis as to how South Africa develops an inclusive education system that is able to provide an environment for all children to learn and thrive.

Despite the budgetary pressures experienced, even the national Department of Education has welcomed the advances our province has made.

The Western Cape is the first province to have established Inclusive Education Outreach Teams, who work in our 8 districts, of which there are 22 that are already in operation. These teams also join 64 Circuit Support Teams, wherein each has a psychologist, social worker and learning support advisor.

For inclusive education to further increase its impact a whole-of-government approach is needed, which is why the WCED has launched a pilot with the Red Cross Memorial Hospital in relation to the policy of Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support (SIAS). In essence, this policy forms the framework as to how one determines whether a child needs to be placed in a special school. With the cooperation of 6 doctors, the WCED has automated this process which will allow greater efficiency in this regard. This process will be reviewed at the end of the year with the hope that it will be rolled out to other large hospitals in the province.

Our teachers are crucial for not only ensuring that the curriculum is taught, but also for creating a conducive environment for learning. As such, the WCED has recognised the need for staff to be able to accommodate all learners and has begun the ‘Teaching For All’ modules. This project, which entails four modules, aims to provide teachers with the skills needed for inclusive education. While current teachers are being trained in cohorts, these modules will become mandatory for teachers still undergoing training.

MPP Deidre Baartman says: “With all newly built schools being accessible for students with mobility difficulties and with at least 2 current schools per district being upgraded per year, it is clear for all to see that the WCED values inclusive education for every learner in the province. Even though there is still much to be done, our province has made significant progress. As the DA, we have no doubt that the Western Cape schools continue to be inclusive centres of learning, care and support.”


Issued by Deidré Baartman, MPP - DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Education