IFP: Unplanned pregnancies: A social crisis

21st June 2019

IFP: Unplanned pregnancies: A social crisis

The Inkatha Freedom Party expresses its shock after an early morning FlySafair flight had to be delayed this morning when a foetus was found in the waste management system on the aircraft.

This clearly demonstrates the seriousness of the problem that faces our society. An unplanned or unwanted pregnancy drives a mother-to-be into such desperation that she often has to resort to terminating the pregnancy. Such acts of desperation places both the woman and the unborn child at great risk. Unplanned pregnancies are a societal issue which calls for increased education and awareness around the issues of safe sex and responsible behaviour.

The IFP calls on the Departments of Social Development, Health and Education to jointly embark on programmes that will address this social issue that has wide ranging implications. There is a misguided mindset that unplanned pregnancies only occur in the poorer sectors of our community. The reality is that abandoned babies and unsafe abortions are a sad reality across all sectors of society. The reasons for aborting a pregnancy may vary but the trauma and dangers cannot be ignored.

There is an urgent need for swift intervention on the part of government together with non-governmental organisations and the religious sector to collaborate in carrying a message that highlights extent to which this social ill impact on families and society at large.   

Furthermore, there is a need for programs and strategies to improve access to contraceptive services and related education, socio-economic status and information and communication particularly among the young and unmarried women. Increased availability and accessibility of family planning services is crucial to reducing unintended pregnancy. Concerted and coordinated multi-sectoral efforts are key to expanding access and uptake of family planning services. Increased access should be accompanied with improvement in the quality of care and availability of information about effective utilization of family planning methods.

Issued by IFP