Government must accelerate negotiations for vaccine

19th January 2021

UASA is in full support of government’s national Covid-19 vaccine roll-out plan as it is the only way to get South African’s lives back on track.

As a trade union, we are deeply concerned about the lives of our members and workers in general. Covid-19 has affected people’s lives immensely as well as the economy and, therefore, we join other stakeholders in urging the government to accelerate its negotiations with vaccine manufacturers. Adequate and efficient vaccine supplies must be secured as a matter of urgency, and as soon as the supplies reach our shores social partners must be prepared and ready to constructively roll out the vaccination drive.

South Africa now has more than a million Covid-19 cases with over 35 000 deaths recorded. This calls for decisive intervention by government to produce the vaccine without delay. We need to re-open the economy and save lives lost to the pandemic and the resulting loss of jobs, income and hunger.

Issued by UASA