F4SD wants political meetings permitted during level three lockdown

1st June 2020 By: African News Agency

F4SD wants political meetings permitted during level three lockdown

The Forum 4 Service Delivery (F4SD) has written to the national coronavirus command council asking that political parties be allowed to hold branch general meetings during level three of South Africa's Covid-19 lockdown. 

Party leader, Mbahare Kekana said branch meetings should be allowed under the same measures granted to religious organisations.

"As a political party which has a mandate to represent its members and be held accountable by its members, we are of the view that the above measures can be implemented mutatis mutandis to branch general meetings of political parties, [particularly because the] 2021 local government elections are around the corner.

"In light of the above, we are thus urgently pleading with the national command council that as the country moves to level three of lockdown, South African political parties should be allowed to hold important meetings such as branch general meetings under the guidelines afforded to other public gatherings," Kekana said. 

He said F4SD found no rationale in the discrimination between a political party meeting, or the gathering of churches, mosques or synagogues, which have been restricted to 50 people under strict hygiene and social distancing regulations. 

South Africa officially moved to level three of its Covid-19 lockdown on Monday, allowing more people to return to work and further opening the economy. 

The country has thus far recorded 32 683 Covid-19 infections, 16 809 recoveries, and 683 virus-related deaths.  

Under level three regulations, the sale of alcohol is allowed from Monday to Thursday between 9am and 5pm. Citizens are also permitted to attend places of worship in their home provinces. 

The wearing of cloth face masks is still compulsory when in public places. Smoking remains banned under level 3.