Environmental justice before private accumulation

13th April 2022

Environmental justice before private accumulation


Never before in history has the need for a different, a humane world been more desperately required. Today the central task of all progressive forces is the struggle to put people before profits, to put the environment before private accumulation, to put internationalist solidarity before deepening inequality and imperialist militarism.

Today, a single inter-linked, world economy is dominated by a tiny minority of exceedingly powerful transnational corporations. This system is buttressed by a declining but still powerful US hegemony. The continued domination of this world system is characterised by mutually reinforcing environmental, economic and social crises.

The environmental crisis

We live in an era in which the very possibility of human civilisation is now threatened by planetary collapse. This is not the result of human behaviour in general but of a particular system. That system is capitalism. As Marx long ago recognised, it is a system based on an insatiable drive to “accumulate, accumulate”, regardless of consequences.


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