Ensuring accountability: Tackling Beaufort West, Kannaland and Laingsburg

9th June 2023

The Auditor General's Audit Outcomes Report, The Ratings Afrika Report, and the Green Drop, Blue Drop, and No Drop water reports have all consistently identified Beaufort West, Kannaland, and Laingsburg as the municipalities with the worst performance in the entire province. These findings are deeply concerning and demand immediate action.

In light of these persistent issues, I will be visiting Beaufort West, Kannaland, and Laingsburg to engage with their leadership directly. It is essential that they provide a thorough account of the unacceptable state of affairs in their respective municipalities.

The gravity of the situation is compounded by the fact that these municipalities have a reputation for poor service delivery. It is imperative that we address clean government as a prerequisite for effective service provision. By achieving clean audits, municipalities can secure more funding to benefit our communities.

MPP Isaac Sileku said: “The Western Cape stands out as the province with the highest number of clean audits nationwide, a testament to the effective governance under the DA-led administration. The Western Cape government also consistently reaches out to these struggling municipalities to offer support and assistance.

It is crucial that we hold these municipalities accountable for the deteriorating services in communities that are in dire need. We will take decisive action to rectify the situation and ensure the well-being of all our communities.”


Issued by Isaac Sileku - DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Local Government