Ensure that you have good reason when disputing rescission decisions

4th January 2021

Ensure that you have good reason when disputing rescission decisions

The Labour Relations Act (LRA) does not allow any party to appeal against an arbitration award. However, such awards can be overturned via a Labour Court review or via a rescission application made to CCMA.


Here the party who is unhappy with the award asks the labour Court to set the award aside on the grounds that the arbitrator, in making the award:

Examples of this include:


A rescission application is made to the CCMA in terms of section 144 of the LRA on the grounds that the award was made in error.

Rescission applications are most commonly brought when one party has not attended the arbitration hearing and the award has been made in that party’s absence.

Typical reasons for rescission applications being granted include:

However, parties are warned that the CCMA is unlikely to accept excuses for the absence of parties where the employer could have avoided the cause of absence. That is, if it had been within the power of the absent party to have attended the arbitration the chances of a rescission being granted are small. In Shoprite Checkers vs CCMA & others (2005, 8 BLLR 816) the employer failed to attend the arbitration hearing. The arbitrator held the hearing in absentia and granted an award in favour of the employee. The employer then applied for a rescission on the grounds that the assistant of the person in charge of the matter had mis-diarised the date of the arbitration. The CCMA turned down the rescission application.

The employer therefore took the matter on review to the Labour Court. The Court upheld the CCMA’s decision saying that a negligent error by the employer is not grounds for rescission. The Court ordered the employer to pay the employee’s legal costs expended on defending the Labour Court review application. Parties are therefore advised to:

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Written by Ivan Israelstam, Chief Executive of Labour Law Management Consulting. He may be contacted on (011) 888-7944 or 0828522973 or on e-mail address: ivan@labourlawadvice.co.za. Web Address: www.labourlawadvice.co.za.