DA mourns passing of talented NC seasoned thespian

27th March 2023

DA mourns passing of talented NC seasoned thespian

The Democratic Alliance in the Northern Cape mourns the tragic loss of a talented performing artist, Jackson Kagisho Shuping.

Jackson was known as a vibrant and dedicated young man who, through his love for acting, kept the doors of the NC theatre open for many other aspiring actors.

Amongst many other achievements, he was part of the Thapelo Tshite Art’s Development based in Kimberley and would have made an appearance in the upcoming national arts festival this year in locally produced stage play, Emsini.

We are deeply saddened by the loss of such great talent and extend our condolences to his family, friends and fellow artists who worked closely with him. The local creative industry is poorer with his passing, we however believe his legacy will live for many years to come.


Issued by Ofentse Mokae, MPL - DA Northern Cape Spokesperson of Sport, Arts & Culture