DA: Mmusi Maimane, Address by DA Leader, at the signing of the "People's Contract" in Madibeng, North West (30/04/19)

30th April 2019

DA: Mmusi Maimane, Address by DA Leader, at the signing of the

DA Leader Mmusi Maimane

Today, the leadership of the DA enters into a contract with the people of South Africa. Our "People's Contract" is a pledge to run accountable governments that South Africans can rely on. We are asking the people of South Africa to give the DA a chance to honour this contract. After five years, if we have not brought the positive change we commit to in this contract, then people should vote us out. That's what democracy is all about.

In our "People’s Contract", we make five specific commitments to the people of South Africa. These are the commitments we will uphold should you elect a DA government.

One. We commit to putting all our efforts into ensuring that there can be a good job in every home. We’ll put a job in every home by making sure government jobs are distributed fairly - not like now, to party members and their friends. We’ll put a job in every home by making it easier for people to start businesses and create jobs - not like now, where no one wants to start a business because it is so hard to do so. Passing our "Jobs Act" is the first step towards this goal.

We’ll put a job in every home by securing our borders – our second commitment to you – so that immigration results in investment that helps create jobs. And we’ll put a job in every home by spending public money on things which grow jobs, like ensuring reliable electricity, transport and communications infrastructure - not like now, where party members and friends are eating public money.

This municipality in Madibeng is one of the municipalities that has suffered most from corruption. The current ANC government is responsible for R562 million of corruption in the 2016/17 financial year. They “invested” R30 million of public money with VBS Mutual Bank without a council resolution. Mayor Jostina Mothibe is taking no responsibility for that. And she had no problem with the municipality spending R100 000 a month renting a car for her. So it’s up to you as voters to let her and her corrupt party know this is unacceptable.

SA will never have a job in every home until voters start punishing this kind of corruption. That’s why our third commitment to you is to remove corruption by holding corrupt officials to account. Officials found guilty of corruption will receive a 15-year jail sentence. The only way to stop corruption is if people suffer the consequences. We cannot reward the ANC's corruption with more votes for them. They must be removed, not rewarded.

When corrupt officials don’t suffer the consequences, the people suffer instead. This is why there is almost no service delivery here in Madibeng. It’s why some residents have gone without water for months on end. It’s why the water quality in Madibeng – when people get water at all – is so bad that some people have become sick and even died. It’s why the Madibeng’s electronic services were shut down last year. Madigeng can’t pay its bills because the money has been stolen.

The DA’s fourth commitment to you is that we will speed up the delivery of quality services – clean, reliable water supply, housing, healthcare and education. A DA government is there to serve instead of steal. This is not an empty promise. Good Governance Africa’s annual Government Performance Index has just been released and it shows that 15 out of the top 20 best performing municipalities in South Africa are run by the DA – either alone or in coalition. And DA-run Cape Town is rated the best run metro in SA.

If you elect us to serve nationally, we will honour the fifth commitment in our "People’s Contract", which is to create a professional and honest police force that can keep our communities safe. Under the ANC, people need protection from the police. Just up the road from here is a township, Marikana, which serves as a stark reminder of just how much the ANC has turned on its people.

In 2012, the ANC government and ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa, physically turned on its people, killing thirty four and leaving many others wounded. Now it is time for the people of South Africa to turn on the ANC and punish them for their corruption, for the unemployment all around us, for the slow service delivery, and for Marikana. It is only when leaders are punished for wrongdoing that they will correct, and start to serve the people again.

That’s why I say, give the DA a chance to serve you. We will not let you down!