DA: Darren Bergman: Address by DA Shadow Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, during the Debate of National Importance on Coronavirus, Parliament, Cape Town (05/03/2020)

5th March 2020

DA: Darren Bergman: Address by DA Shadow Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, during the Debate of National Importance on Coronavirus, Parliament, Cape Town (05/03/2020)


On 27 January, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (Dirco) issued the following: “we are on a drive to inform people about the virus but not telling them to avoid travelling to that country” (DIRCO spokesperson Lunga Ngqengelele).

This response was very diplomatic, but at that stage, we were the only country with this message, probably paying credit to our relationship with China.

Ambassador Lin Songtian

Around that time Ambassador Lin Songtian held a press conference and filled a void left by our President and Minister by trying to put the minds of our country at ease and by assuring us that China has this outbreak under control and that South Africans are being treated well.

Click here for full speech.