Construction mafia jeopardise KwaDukuza R29 million disaster funded project

4th July 2023

The DA in KwaDukuza is perturbed to note that the Hulett bridge project site in Ward 2, is currently being guarded by municipal appointed security providers.

The R29 million disaster funded project has been shrouded in controversy since the handover. With allegations of extortion from the construction mafia, work stoppages and community unrest, the project timelines will no doubt be impacted.

This comes just over two months following the Minister of Public Works, Sihle Zikalala’s, announcement that the state would take strong action against construction mafias, disrupting government construction projects. He must perhaps start in his own province and put his money where his mouth is.

We have formally written to the Acting Executive Director for Civil Engineering, Fisokuhle Mhlongo, and the Municipal Manager, Nhlanhla Mdakane, to request the following:

- The total number of days the project has been disrupted due to work stoppages by the "construction mafia” and other entities

- The project timelines and the conditional grant implications by these ongoing incidents of blatant thuggery

- Confirmation that the contractor has obtained a court interdict to prevent any further interruptions by the construction mafia
- Additional mitigation measures implemented by the contractor to protect the site

- The financial implication of deployment of a riot unit for an indefinite period and the impact on the Community Safety budget

The Pro Secure Riot Unit is allegedly protecting the area surrounding the site. Mhlongo and Mdakane must also confirm if this a decision taken by Council, EXCO, Infrastructure and Technical Portfolio Committee or the Local Command Council.

The DA in KwaDukuza will use all mechanisms at our disposal to ensure that the integrity of disaster funded projects are not compromised by self-serving individuals.


Issued by Councillor Privi Makhan - DA KwaDukuza Councillor