Analysis Of Corruption Trends (Act) 2020

22nd September 2020

Analysis Of Corruption Trends (Act) 2020

If it were truly possible to quantify the devastating impact of corruption as easily as we can tally war casualties, then we would realise that the tragic mayhem brought about  by  individuals’  covetousness  in  present  day  South  Africa  is  comparable  to  a  World  War  III  scenario.  But  the  destruction  is  silent  and  people  observe  in  morbid  fascination  as  the  pockets  of  kleptocrats  are  lined  with  ill-gotten  gains  and consequently, the healthcare system is strained, schools are empty shells, and police protection is granted to the highest bidders while the poorest in society are brutalised and left for dead in squalor.

That  is  how  we  at  Corruption  Watch  understand  the  deadly  effects  of  graft  and,  unfortunately,  it  may  have  taken  a  global  health  crisis  for  others  to  reach  this  depressing conclusion.At  this  important  juncture  of  the  country’s  history,  in  the  annual  publication  of  our  Analysis  of  Corruption  Trends  (ACT)  report,  we  present  half-year  data  and  information  as  told  by  1995  whistle-blowers  who  approached  Corruption  Watch  during  this  dark  and  uncertain  period.  While  understanding  that  we  primarily  direct  our  advocacy  efforts  at  exposing,  researching,  litigating  and  investigating  a  selection  of  cases,  based  on  limited  resources,  and  also  work  with  stakeholders  across multiple sectors, these ordinary men and women from all over the republic confided in the organisation the most harrowing corruption accounts.As we have done in previous years, in this edition of the ACT report, we provide a snapshot of the acts of graft manifesting in every sphere of government and across a number of sectors in society.

We continue to learn of unruly police officials and officers, resources that are lost to greedy officials and teachers at schools, and clinics and hospitals that cannot care for the sick because beds, medical equipment and medication are not provided for or are simply stolen.Nevertheless,  these  courageous  students,  professionals,  public  servants,  activists,  mothers  and  fathers,  as  well  as  the  elderly,  have  unequivocally  stated  that  the  situation must change. As a result, based on their evidentiary accounts, we all gain more insight into the rot that pervades the institutions, agencies and departments that are occupied by elected and appointed leaders whom we have entrusted with immense power.

Report by Corruption Watch