Amendment to national minimum wage and sectoral determination minimum wages

16th March 2020

 Amendment to national minimum wage and sectoral determination minimum wages

On 17 February 2020 the Minister of Employment and Labour published, by way of Government Gazette, an amendment to the national minimum wages in Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 of the National Minimum Wage Act. The amendments became effective on 1 March 2020.

The amendments are set out below.

Increase in the national minimum wage

As per national minimum wage (Schedule 1):

As per learnership allowances (Schedule 2):

In addition, the Minister of Employment and Labour amended the wages and the remuneration and associated benefits based on those wages in certain sectoral determinations. The amendments became effective on 1 March 2020 and are set out below.

Amended sectoral determinations

Sectoral determination 1: Contract cleaning sector

Sectoral determination 9: Wholesale and retail sector

Written By Jacques van Wyk, Director, Andre van Heerden, Senior Associate and Thabisa Yantolo, Candidate Attorney, Werksmans