Adaptive leadership in the coronavirus response: bridging science, policy and practice

7th April 2020

Adaptive leadership in the coronavirus response: bridging science, policy and practice

The coronavirus pandemic poses unprecedented challenges to science, policy and the interface between the two. How – and how quickly – policy-makers, practitioners and researchers react to this emerging and complex crisis is making a profound difference to people’s lives and livelihoods (WHO, 2020).

But how can we ensure effective collective decision-making on the basis of emerging evidence, changing trends and shifting scientific understanding, all in the face of considerable uncertainty? Recent experience highlights the need for adaptive leadership in national and global responses to the outbreak. This briefing paper sets out key principles for what this might look like, and proposes a roadmap for policy-makers, practitioners and researchers to move towards such an approach as they tackle the unfolding crisis.

Key messages

This publication is part of ODI’s series on coronavirus. It has not undergone ODI’s usual rigorous peer review and design processes in the interests of rapidly contributing emerging ideas and analysis, and should be read with this in mind.

Report by the Overseas Development Institute