ActionSA Files SAHRC Complaint as Cancer Patients Turned Away Due to Neglected Equipment

28th November 2023

ActionSA Files SAHRC Complaint as Cancer Patients Turned Away Due to Neglected Equipment

ActionSA has filed a complaint with the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) against the Mpumalanga Department of Health after the department neglected to repair a cancer machine, originally costing only R87 000, since 2012.

As a result, patients in the rural area of Nkomazi are being denied their basic human rights, as the government has failed to address the needs of those with stage 1 cancer.

This neglect has persisted for 11 years, leaving individuals without the means for public treatment or alternative options in a distressing situation, ultimately facing the prospect of death due to the incompetence of the Mpumalanga Department of Health.

ActionSA believes that the right to healthcare is a fundamental human right crucial for the well-being of every South African. Unfortunately, echoing the devastating consequences of the collapse of public healthcare across the country, cancer patients in Mpumalanga encounter the denial of these rights as a consequence of the government's sheer incompetence.

Overcoming these barriers necessitates a comprehensive approach, improved performance of our public health institutions, cancer control plans, the effective implementation of legislation, and the fulfillment of state obligations.

We urge the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) to investigate the issue concerning Shongwe Hospital's failure to repair the cancer machine, purchased for R87 000 in 2012.

Written by ActionSA