ActionSA Approaches Hawks to Investigate Rampant Illegal Mining in Muchipisi Village, Malamulele

26th October 2023

ActionSA Approaches Hawks to Investigate Rampant Illegal Mining in Muchipisi Village, Malamulele

ActionSA is concerned about the increasing crime levels taking place in Muchipisi Village. The region, recently plagued by the emergence of illegal mining activity and zama-zamas, has become a breeding ground for criminal enterprises to act with impunity while the South African Police Service stands by and watch as things continue to worsen. 

As such, we have written to the Directorate of Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI)- the Hawks, to formally request their immediate intervention and increase of police presence in the area. The safety of our people can no longer be negotiated.

The community has reported a number of criminal and murder cases to Malamulele Police; however, the number of cases continue to rise unabated under their watch. Lamentably, we have just witnessed another killing of a person who was buried on 14 October 2023, which could have been avoided. 

We are deeply concerned that the situation is getting out of control. 

As an ActionSA policy priority, we move to declare priority criminal syndicates, such as the zama-zamas, as threats to national security that need a multi-pronged approach which includes but is not limited to our Police Service, military, and other relevant government agencies. 

The rights and safety of our people can only be guaranteed if we are unyielding in our advancement of the rule of law.


Issued by ActionSA Limpopo Provincial Chairperson Sello Lediga