Supreme Court of Appeal
Gallo Africa Ltd and Others v Sting Music (Pty) Ltd and Others (40/2010) [2010] ZASCA 96
3rd September 2010 Copyright – jurisdiction – South African court has no jurisdiction to hear copyright infringement claims in respect of foreign copyright – fact... →
Oshry NO and Another v Feldman (401/09) [2010] ZASCA 95
19th August 2010 Claim by surviving spouse in terms of the Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act 27 of 1990. Primary obligation of support rests on a spouse, and if... →
Calibre Clinical Consultants (Pty) Ltd and Another v National Bargaining Council for the Road Freight Industry and Another (410/09) [2010] ZASCA 94
19th July 2010 Bargaining Council established under Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 – decisions relating to procurement of services – whether subject to judicial... →
Combined Business Solutions CC v Courier & Freight Group (Pty) Ltd (325/09) [2010] ZASCA 93
19th July 2010 Oral agreement – whether established – whether damages sustained in consequence of breach →
Paradyskloof Golf Estate (Pty) Ltd v Municipality of Stellenbosch (547/08) [2010] ZASCA 92
2nd July 2010 Sale – of land – suspensive condition in written agreement providing that either party entitled to resile from it if suspensive condition not... →
Libazi v S (424/09) [2010] ZASCA 91
1st June 2010 Evidence - admissibility of hearsay evidence in terms of s 3(1)(c) of Law of Evidence Amendment Act 45 of 1988: right to challenge evidence -... →
S v Opperman and Another (643/09) [2010] ZASCA 83
31st May 2010 Criminal procedure – sentence – rape and indecent assault – young children – influence on sentence of low intelligence and lack of insight of accused. →
MEC for Safety and Security (Eastern Cape Province) v Mtokwana (339/09) [2010] ZASCA 88
31st May 2010 Joinder or substitution by way of notice of amendment not served on the intended defendant ─ inappropriate procedure ─ high court overlooking... →
S v Isaacs (039/10) [2010] ZASCA 87
31st May 2010 Murder charge ─ State’s case built on circumstantial evidence ─ items on circumstantial evidence to be viewed cumulatively ─ evidence as a whole... →
Lombaard v Droprop CC and Others (377/09) [2010] ZASCA 86
31st May 2010 Whether the description of the immovable property was sufficient and adequate in terms of S 2(1) of the Alienation of Land Act 68 of 1981 ─... →