South African Institute of International Affairs
Lives or livelihoods
By: South African Institute of International Affairs 2nd December 2020 The coronavirus crisis poses new and unprecedented challenges for every country, in particular developing nations. Our Chief Executive Elizabeth... →
Tshisekedi and Kabila fall out
By: South African Institute of International Affairs 2nd December 2020 Two-and-a-half years after striking a political deal with his erstwhile political enemy that saw him being handed the presidency of the Democratic... →
G20 and development
By: South African Institute of International Affairs 19th November 2020 Covid-19 has turned everything upside down. The global lockdowns, the stresses on weak health systems, the absence of fiscal space and social... →
Rebuilding Trust, Reliability, and Predictability
By: South African Institute of International Affairs 13th November 2020 Most parts of the world sighed in relief when the outcome of the US presidential election was announced—not only because the wait had been long,... →
Is BRICS past its sell-by date?
By: South African Institute of International Affairs 1st October 2020 The demise of the BRICS based on its apparent incoherence has long been predicted by pundits. But as Mark Twain observed about reports of his death... →
Does Egypt need to go nuclear?
By: South African Institute of International Affairs 1st October 2020 Egypt's venture into nuclear power has been planned from the top down, with environmental groups and rights organisations expressing reservations,... →
China holds all the cards as pandemic pushes African countries to default on loans
By: South African Institute of International Affairs 1st October 2020 Governments on the continent may be forced to cede control of key assets as Beijing swops debt for equity. Covid-19 is acting as a kind of X-ray,... →
How to make the UN relevant again: Pursue a fresh approach to climate change
By: South African Institute of International Affairs 23rd September 2020 As the United Nations celebrates 75 years of championing safety and security, social welfare, refugee rights, and more, it risks seeing all this... →
Africa’s gathering debt storm
By: South African Institute of International Affairs 4th September 2020 Without rapid and vastly increased external help to weather the Covid-19 storm and ease their debt-service burden, many African economies could... →
Corruption hampers the development of South Africa’s youth
By: South African Institute of International Affairs 31st August 2020 The coronavirus pandemic has once again exposed the rife corruption and disregard for governance, accountability and transparency by senior... →