Astronomy Geographic Advantage Bill (B 17C-2007)
Clause 18 1. On page 12, in line 35, to omit "may" and to substitute "must". →
Astronomy Geographic Advantage Bill (B 17D-2007)
To provide for the preservation and protection of areas within the Republic that are uniquely suited for optical and radio astronomy; to provide... →
Astronomy Geographic Advantage Bill (B 17-2007)
To provide for the preservation and protection of areas within the Republic that are uniquely suited for optical and radio astronomy; to provide... →
Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (B 18-2007)
To amend the Estate Duty Act, 1955, so as to determine the dutiable amount of an estate; to amend the Income Tax Act, 1962, so as to fix the rates... →
Taxation Laws Second Amendment Bill (B 19-2007)
To amend the— * Income Tax Act, 1962, so as to effect certain textual and consequential amendments; →
Traditional Health Practitioners Bill (B 20-2007)
To establish the Interim Traditional Health Practitioners Council of South Africa; to provide for a regulatory framework to ensure the efficacy,... →
Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Amendment Bill (B 21B-2007)
To amend the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1996, so as to amend a definition and to insert others; to empower a Member of the Executive... →
Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Amendment Bill (B 21A-2007)
CLAUSE 1 1. On page 2, in line 18, to omit ‘‘1978 (Act No. 50 of 1978)’’and to substitute ‘‘[1978 (Act No. 50 of 1978)] 2005 (Act No. 33 of... →