Alteration of Sex Description and Sex Status Act (No. 49 of 2003)
To provide for the alteration of the sex description of certain individuals in certain circumstances; and to amend the Births and Deaths... →
Environment conservation amendment act (No. 50 of 2003)
To amendthe Environment Conservation Act,1989,so as to enable the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism to make regulations regarding... →
General intelligence laws amendment act (No. 52 of 2003)
To provide for the continued existence of the Armaments Corporation of South Africa, Limited; to provide for the functions, accountability and... →
Broad-based black economic empowerment act (No. 53 of 2003)
To establish a legislative framework for the promotion of black economic empowerment; to empower the Minister to issue codes of good practice and... →
Spatial data infrastructure act (No. 54 of 2003)
To establish the South African Spatial Data Infrastructure, the Committee for Spatial Information and an electronic metadata... →
Judicial Matters Second Amendment Act (No. 55 of 2003)
To amend the Administration Amendment Act, 1929, so as to eliminate any uncertainty relating to the appointment of presiding officers of... →
Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (No. 56 of 2003)
To secure sound and sustainable management of the financial affairs of municipali-ties and other institutions in the localsphere of government; to... →