Companies Third Amendment Bill (B 137-1998)
To amend the Companies Act, 1973, so as to provide for a further category of offers of shares not being offers to the public, namely employee share... →
Companies Third Amendment Bill (B 137A-1998)
On page 2, in line 15, after “company” to insert “or of its subsidiary,”. →
Companies Third Amendment Bill (B 137B-1998)
To amend the Companies Act, 1973, so as tn provide for a further category of offers of shares nnt being offers to the public, namely emph yee share... →
Harmful Business Practices Amendment Bill (B 138-1998)
To amend the Harmful Business Practices Act, 1988, so as to harmonise the Act with provincial legislation; to amend and insert certain definitions;... →
Harmful Business Practices Amendment Bill (B 138A-1998)
On page 4, from line 5, to omit all the words from “which” up to and including “ 1979)” in line 8 and to substitute “regulated by competition law”. →
National Heritage Bill (B 139-1998)
To introduce an integrated and interactive system for the management of the national heritage which will co-ordinate the expression of the heritage... →
Second Adjustments Appropriations Bill (B 140-1998)
To appropriate ad,justed amounts of money for the requirements of’ the State in respect of the financial year ending 31 March 1999. →
Medical Schemes Bill (B 141-1998)
To consolidate the laws relating to registered medical schemes; to provide for the establishment of the Council for Medical Schemes as a juristic... →