Broadcasting Amendment Bill (B15-1997)
To amend the Broadcasting Act, 1976, in order to reduce the membership of the Board of the South African Broadcasting Corporation; and to provide... →
Portfolio Committee Amendment to Broadcasting Amendment Bill (B15A-1997)
CLAUSE 1 1. On page 2, in line 8, to omit ‘‘9’’ and to substitute ‘‘12’’. →
Broadcasting Amendment Bill (B15B-1997)
To amend the Broadcasting Act, 1976, in order to reduce the membership of the Board of the South African Broadcasting Corporation; and to provide... →
Appropriation Bill (B16-1997)
To appropriate amounts of money for the requirements of the State in respect of the financial year ending 31 March 1998. →
Appropriation Bill (B16A-1997)
To appropriate amounts of money for the requirements of the State in respect of the financial year ending 31 March 1998. →
National Film and Video Foundation Bill (B17B-1997)
To establish a juristic person to be known as the National Film and Video Foundation; to determine its objects, functions and method of work; to... →
Portfolio Committee Amendments to National Film and Video Foundation Bill (B17A-1997)
1. That the following be a new Clause to follow Clause 2: Objects of Foundation . 3. The obiects of the Foundation are— (a) to develop and promote... →
National Film and Video Foundation Bill (B17-1997)
To establish a juristic person to be known as the National Film and Video Foundation; to determine its objects, functions and method of work; to... →