Zuma is out of touch with the public's anger – DA

11th April 2017 By: News24Wire

Zuma is out of touch with the public's anger – DA

Democratic Alliance (DA) spokesperson Phumzile van Damme on Monday slammed President Jacob Zuma's statement that the recent marches against him were racist.

Zuma said posters at marches on Friday displayed beliefs he thought had died in 1994. He was addressing crowds at the memorial of struggle hero Chris Hani on Monday.

He alleged that some posters depicted black people as baboons.

"It is clear some of our white compatriots regard black people as lesser human beings or subhuman," Zuma said.

Van Damme said Zuma's comments disregard the thousands of South Africans of all races who took part in marches on Friday.

"President Zuma's comments today [Monday] slamming these mass marches across the country and claiming that they were inspired by racism clearly show that he is out of touch with the South African public's very valid anger over his destructive leadership," Van Damme said in a statement.

"His comments also undermine legitimate protests and expose how little he cares about South Africans and their concerns."

'Zuma governs like black lives do not matter'

Van Damme reiterated concerns over the effect the president's Cabinet reshuffle and the subsequent economic downgrade by ratings agencies will have on the country's poor.

"His irrational actions will have a massively negative effect on the poorest in our country who are mostly black. The fact that he cannot or chooses not to see this only confirms that Zuma governs like black lives do not matter," she said.

Opposition parties, including the DA, have organised a march against Zuma to the Union Buildings in Tshwane on Wednesday.

Wednesday is Zuma's 75th birthday.