WLC: Zapiro cartoon re-enforces rape culture

12th April 2017

WLC: Zapiro cartoon re-enforces rape culture

The Women’s Legal Centre (WLC) strongly condemns Zapiro's latest cartoon depicting a black woman being gang raped by the president and his cronies.  One cannot compare the current political and economic challenges to a woman being raped.  SA citizens may feel helpless and angry but this is nothing like how women feel when they have been raped. By using the rape imagery Zapiro is appropriating women's experiences. There are  other ways in which to portray the challenges currently facing  South Africa.

South Africa has the highest rape statistics in the world, yet the majority of women do not report and this cartoon enforces the stigma and the reasons rape is under reported.  Thus, we condemn this cartoon for a number of reasons:

The greatest pain in this country falls upon the black woman. Zapiro's cartoon is neither humorous or makes a strong political point. It is insensitive and out of touch with the lived realities of women in South Africa.


Issued by Women’s Legal Centre