What does the ANC mean by 'radical economic transformation'? (August 2014)

19th August 2014

What does the ANC mean by 'radical economic transformation'? (August 2014)

The phrase "radical economic transformation" entered the ANC's lexicon with the release of its election manifesto. It was not defined or described and the precise context was: “The developmental mandate of state-owned enterprises, development finance institutions (DFIs) and other public agencies will be re-aligned to support radical economic transformation.” (our emphasis). That was it.

Then Pres. Zuma made it a strong theme of his second inaugural address and from there on it has become a standard phrase in ANC and government communications.

Asked at a post-lekgotla news conference what precisely the phrase means, Secretary-general
Gwede Mantashe answered, in effect, “Watch what we do and you will see what we mean ...”

It is now three months later and we have had a lot of declarations of what will be done: the president's State of the Nation speech, ministers’ budget vote speeches to Parliament and, last week, government’s 5-year Medium Term Strategic Framework 2014 – 2019. Putting all this together, we can begin to form an outline of what “radical economic transformation” means.

Download the full article above.

Written by political and trend analyst JP Landman