Western Cape summer tourism report to be released

18th January 2017

The Western Cape’s official tourism report for the summer season will be released next week.

On Tuesday, 24 January 2017, Alan Winde, Minister of Economic Opportunities, and Wesgro, the official tourism, trade and investment promotion agency for Cape Town and the Western Cape, will host the provincial summer tourism results event.

Minister Winde will provide an analysis on regional achievements over the past high season, including new insights gained from research.

Wesgro CEO, Tim Harris, will update the tourism sector on recent projects that contributed towards achieving these results.


DATE: Tuesday, 24 January 2017

TIME: 10:00am – 12:00pm

VENUE: Marina Room, One and Only Hotel

For media queries, kindly contact:

Bronwynne Jooste
Spokesperson: Alan Winde, Minister of Economic Opportunities
Responsible for Tourism, Economic Development and Agriculture
Western Cape Government

142 Long Street, Cape Town

Tel: 021 483 3550
Cell: 060 970 4301
Email: bronwynne.jooste@westerncape.gov.za
Website: www.westerncape.gov.za
Twitter: bronwynnejooste