The African court for justice and human rights: Protecting Africans, or just Africa’s leaders? (August 2014)

29th August 2014

The African court for justice and human rights: Protecting Africans, or just Africa’s leaders? (August 2014)

The African Union’s (AU) new judicial organ, the African Court for Justice and Human Rights (ACJHR), is envisaged to be a tool to address pressing issues on the continent, such as genocide, crimes against humanity, and terrorism. Initially, the African Court for People’s and Human Rights and the African Court for Justice were two separate bodies. However, the AU sought to join them in order to deal with human rights abuses and political disputes before a single court. After several amendments, the Protocol on the Statute of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights, which outlines the mandate of the combined body, has now reached a point of consensus among AU members.

Written by Angelique Thomas, Research Assistant, Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference Parliamentary Liaison Office (CPLO)