Solidarity will be in court today to stall NSF promotions

12th December 2018

Solidarity will bring an application in the Palace of Justice today to obtain an urgent interdict to temporarily stall promotions of police members that are being made in terms of the Non-Statutory Forces (NSF) Project.

This comes after Solidarity disclosed in November that the secret NSF Project sets out to grant huge promotions to around 600 former MK and APLA members, some of whom were younger than 18 in 1994 and some of whom have since died.

Solidarity contends that the interdict should apply until such time as Solidarity’s review application about the validity and extent of this project has been heard.

According to Renate Barnard, sector coordinator for special projects at Solidarity, Solidarity had already brought a review application about the project before court. This application is likely to be heard early next year. “We are, however, of the opinion that no further promotions should take place in terms of the NSF project before a court has not ruled on the legality and validity of the entire project,” Barnard said.

“It is in our members’ interest as well as in the national interest that the NSF Project be reviewed. It is nothing but a politically motivated one, and it is prejudicing the careers of ordinary members who may not apply for these promotional positions,” Barnard said.

Members of the media are invited to attend the court proceedings tomorrow.

Where: Palace of Justice, Church Square, Pretoria
When: 12 December 2018
Time: 14:00