SATAWU: SATAWU Security Sector Members to Benefit from National Minimum Wage

22nd January 2019

SATAWU: SATAWU Security Sector Members to Benefit from National Minimum Wage

Photo by: Bloomberg

South African Transport and Allied Workers’ Unions (SATAWU) is pleased the implementation of the National Minimum Wage (NMW) will improve the income of workers in the security sector.
The National Minimum Wage Act came into effect on 1 January, setting the wage floor at R20 per hour with the exception of farm workers whose minimum is set at R18 per hour, domestic workers (R15 per hour) and Extended Public Works Programme Workers (R11 per hour).
SATAWU is acknowledges the NMW is not a living wage. However, we are pleased that starting end of January, its implementation will see security officers in Area 2 or 3 receive an extra R517 per month. Area 2 and 3 are those areas outside major metropolitan cities as such Johannesburg, Cape Town. For instance, a Grade C security officer in Area 2 or 3 who used to earn R3 643 will now be paid R4 160.
It’s estimated more than 100 000 security officers will benefit from the implementation of the NMW. The status quo with regards to working conditions maintains.
The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and the Department of Labour are charged with the responsibility of ensuring employers comply with the legislation. In the past cases of non-compliance could only be referred to the Department of Labour.


Issued by SATAWU