SANEF: SANEF statement on ZCC call for boycott of Tiso Blackstar Newspaper

19th September 2017

SANEF: SANEF statement on ZCC call for boycott of Tiso Blackstar Newspaper

Photo by: Bloomberg

THE South African National Editors' Forum (SANEF) urges the Zion Christian Church (ZCC) to withdraw its call on their members to stop buying newspaper titles owned by the Tiso Blackstar media group.

In SANEF's view, the call for a consumer boycott is tantamount to editorial interference, bullying and censorship in order to stop what is perceived as unflattering coverage of the church's activities.

As an organisation that stands for media freedom and transparency, we encourage the church's leadership to approach the available dispute-resolution institutions, the first being the Press Ombudsman.

The ZCC also has the option of the courts which, together with the Press Ombudsman, are institutions better-placed to deal with ethical and legal grievances against the media.

A call for a consumer boycott of any media outlet should be discouraged and should not be acceptable in a constitutional democracy where multiple channels for redress are available.


Issued by SANEF